Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Above: Boosey Creek flood????

Above: Unknown subject.

Above: Unknown

Above: Sheridan family gathering: Left to Right: Mafra Bruce Sheridan; two of her daughters, Pat and Marg; Bill Frayne the very tall man at the back ; Anne Sheridan Frayne, wife of Bill; ; Nell Murphy Sheridan; _______; Barbara Sheridan, daughter of Nell and Jack; Jack Sheridan; his brother Patrick 'Bob' Sheridan.

Above: Gathering, probably at Berrigan. My grandmother is seated on the far left, and Patrick James Sheridan on the right.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Bridget Mary Frances Bourke Sheridan, my Great-Grandmother.

Above: The earliest known photograph of Bridget Mary Bourke. It was taken by a Beechworth photographer c. late 1880s-early 1890s.

Above: Bridget Mary Frances Bourke, daughter of Paddy and Margaret Bourke, in her riding outfit.

Above: Bridget Mary Bourke on the day of her marriage to Patrick James Sheridan, on July 20, 1897, at Tungamah.

Above: Bridget Mary Bourke Sheridan in her travelling outfit after her wedding.

Above: Bridget Bourke Sheridan c. 1906 with two of her children:- eldest son Patrick 'Bob' Sheridan, and daughter Bridget Alice Sheridan.

Above: Taken in 1926, this photo spans four generations and almost eighty years of Bourke and Sheridan women. In the front are Bridget Mary Frances Bourke Sheridan and her mother, Margaret Mary Bourke, and in the back is Mary Frances Sheridan Mallon, Bridget's daughter, holding her own daughter Margaret Mallon.

Above: Of Bridget Bourke Sheridan's eight siblings, only two survived to adulthood. This photo is is of Bridget with one of her two surviving brothers, Michael 'Mick' Bourke. Her other brother, Bill, lived with his family in Argentina.

Above: Bridget Bourke Sheridan with her granddaughter Margaret Mallon.

Above: Bridget Mary Bourke Sheridan in her later years.

Above & below: Grave of Bridget Bourke Sheridan and her husband Paddy Sheridan who were buried in the Fawkner Cemetery in Melbourne. Photos kindly taken by Tungamah born and raised Tony Saunders.

The old Victoria Hotel, Barr Street, Tungamah

Above: My great-grandfather Paddy Sheridan; his grandson Bill Sheridan; son Peter Sheridan with his wife Lucy Veronica Nunn; and Paddy's wife Bridget Bourke Sheridan.

Above: My great-Uncle, John 'Jack' Sheridan, with his wife Nell Murphy and son John Dennis Sheridan.

Above: My great-Aunt Annie Teresa Sheridan with her husband Bill Frayne at Ascot Vale.

Above: Ann Sheridan Frayne with her only child, William George Frayne ("Bill")

My grandfather, Patrick James 'Bob' Sheridan

This is my favourite photo in the world, and really typifies my childhood memories of Nan & Pop Sherry's kitchen, the hub of the house. From left to right we have head of the house, 'Bob' Sheridan ( my "Pop Sherry"); his twin daughters Bette and Pat: my much-adored Nan Sherry(Mafra Bruce Sheridan) holding her granddaughter Leanne Sheridan; Bob's mother, Bridget Bourke Sheridan; fourth child Peter 'Ike' Sheridan, his wife Ann`Bourke Sheridan and elder daughter Vicki.

Above: My Pop Sherry "bunging on a pose". The inscription on the bottom reads "Patsy Feb 1941."

Above: Patrick'Bob' Sheridan with youngest son, Basil. Banks of the Murray River, Burramine.

Above: Duck shooting season. My grandfather leaning against the ute in overalls; Tungamah local Charlie Nunn to the right holding a beer; and random Tungamah boys gathered around the irresistible combination of dead ducks and guns.

Basil Sheridan, fifth child of Patrick James Sheridan & Mafra Pearl Bruce.

Above photos: My father, Bas Sheridan, when he played in the Ovens & Murray league for the Yarrawonga Pigeons.

Sheridan sisters.

Above: Back Row: Ann Sheridan between her younger twin sisters Elizabeth and Patricia (Bette and Pat). Front: Unknown girl with her arm around youngest Sheridan child, Margaret Sheridan.
Above: the eldest and youngest of the Sheridan family....Bill Sheridan holding his youngest sister Marg.

Above: Twins Pat and Bette Sheridan on their 15th birthday.

Above: Bette Sheridan

Jack and Bill Sheridan, cyclists.

Above: Third child and second son of Patrick James 'Bob' Sheridan and Mafra Pearl Bruce.

Above: On the left, eldest child of 'Bob' and Maf Sheridan, William 'Bill' Sheridan.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Above: Unknown couple from the collection of Tim Sheridan, grandson of John Aloysius "Jack" Sheridan.

Above: Group outside the Sheridan family home in Barr Street, Tungamah...Patrick 'Bob' Sheridan sitting closest to the front of the car; his wife Mafra holding a baby; his mother Bridget Bourke Sheridan to Maf's left; next to Bridge in back row are her grandchildren Bill Sheridan and Marg Mallon.

Above: Swimming at the Boosey Creek, Tungamah...Mary Frances Sheridan Mallon with her daughter Margaret and nephew Bill Sheridan. c. early 1930s.

Above: Jack Sheridan, son of Paddy Sheridan and Bridget Bourke, at Hobart on December 28, 1933.

Above: The baby in this photo is Timothy Sheridan, born in 1961. He is being held by his paternal grandmother, Nell Murphy Sheridan. His father John Dennis Sheridan is the younger of the two men.

Above: Bridget Bourke Sheridan, centre, with daughter Mary and granddaughter Marg Mallon.

Above: Unknown family group from the collection of Tim Sheridan.

Above: Again, an unknown family group from Tim Sheridan's collection.