Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My grandfather, Patrick James 'Bob' Sheridan

This is my favourite photo in the world, and really typifies my childhood memories of Nan & Pop Sherry's kitchen, the hub of the house. From left to right we have head of the house, 'Bob' Sheridan ( my "Pop Sherry"); his twin daughters Bette and Pat: my much-adored Nan Sherry(Mafra Bruce Sheridan) holding her granddaughter Leanne Sheridan; Bob's mother, Bridget Bourke Sheridan; fourth child Peter 'Ike' Sheridan, his wife Ann`Bourke Sheridan and elder daughter Vicki.

Above: My Pop Sherry "bunging on a pose". The inscription on the bottom reads "Patsy Feb 1941."

Above: Patrick'Bob' Sheridan with youngest son, Basil. Banks of the Murray River, Burramine.

Above: Duck shooting season. My grandfather leaning against the ute in overalls; Tungamah local Charlie Nunn to the right holding a beer; and random Tungamah boys gathered around the irresistible combination of dead ducks and guns.

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